When you know the last day a practitioner is working in your office, you want to terminate their schedule to ensure there are no booking errors.Tip! It's important to follow these steps as ChiroSUITE's monthly billing is based on the number of active practitioners in your office.
Note: This is a 3 step process (Steps 1 and 2 in Practitioner Setup and Step 3 in User Setup):
Practitioner Leaving (if Practitioner is returning, see 'Practitioner Returning' steps further down)
Step 1: Utilities -> Practitioners -> Setup Wizard -> Work Schedule
1. Click [Terminate Schedule].
2. Enter last day of work. (Note: This date must be a Saturday, so if their last day is not a Saturday, the Saturday after the last day of work.)
3. Click [Save].
4. Click [Next] and process through wizard. Tip! IF there are any future appointments booked they will appear when processing the wizard, PRINT the list so you can appropriately deal with these bookings the practitioner will no longer be available for.
Step 2: Utilities -> Practitioners -> Setup Wizard -> Schedule Layout
1. Put check mark in both "Hide from appearing in schedules and lists". Tip! Practitioners will still appear in lists to receive payments and run reports, in cases where you don't see them click [All].
2. Click [Next] and process through wizard.
Step 3: Users -> User Setup
1. Find practitioner in "Quick Search".
2. Click [Deactivate].
Practitioner Returning
If a practitioner is returning to your office they do NOT need to be added to ChiroSUITE again, reactivate them by following the steps below:
Note: This is a 3 step process. In order to see Inactivated Practitioners or Users, you will need to click on [Show All] in the bottom left hand corner of each screen.
Step 1 - Activate User Users -> User Setup
1. Click [All] to be able to see all users including 'Inactive' users.
2. Highlight User from list that you would like to activate.
1. Change 'Active?' to 'Yes'
2. Click [Activate] and [Save]
Step 2 - Create new work schedule Utilities -> Practitioners -> Setup Wizard -> Work Schedule
Note: In order to see Inactivated Practitioners, you will need to click on [Show All] in the bottom left hand corner of the first screen.
1. Click [Add]
2. Add New Period starting date. Note: This must be a Sunday. Click [Save].
3. Click [Next] and process through wizard.
Step 3 - Unhide check boxes in order to appear in schedules and lists Utilities -> Practitioners -> Setup Wizard -> Schedule Layout
Note: In order to see Inactivated Practitioners, you will need to click on [Show All] in the bottom left hand corner of the first screen.
1. Uncheck 'Hide from appearing in schedules list' and uncheck 'Hide from appearing in lists' boxes.
2. Click [Add] to add New Schedule Layout details. Note: The Period start date must be a Sunday.
3. Click [Next] and process through wizard.
For more information see our "Terminating Work Schedules" -> You can access the video directly through ChiroSUITE by going to Help -> ChiroSUITE Help Videos -> Terminating work Schedules
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