Please Note: In ChiroSUITE you must be logged in under the practitioner you are setting up in Google Calendar.
Tip! Ensure practitioners have their Google calendars setup on correct time zone PRIOR to setup.
On occasion Google makes changes that create an issue with some user/practitioner Google accounts. This is outside our control but most often taking out the Google Practitioner setup for the person(s) affected then starting over with setup seems to work.
Tip! If the practitioner has changed their password this is the issue, you will need to setup google calendar again.
Tip! The practitioner you are setting up or troubleshooting needs to be the logged on user in ChiroSUITE.
1. Delete entries for practitioner/s: Utilities -> Practitioners -> Google Account -> Prac Schd Setup.
2. Sync Google.
3. Then go through validation process again. Refer to PDF above.
4. Setup your practitioner schedule again: Utilities -> Practitioners -> Google Account -> Prac Schd Setup.
5. Sync Google.
Troubleshooting DST (Daylight Savings Time) and any affected practitioner/s schedule.
Tip! Do these steps FIRST, then use the Troubleshooting steps above.
Have the affected practitioner/s go to the Google account and follow these screen shot steps:
1. Click on 'Apps'
2. Click on 'Calendar'
3. Click 'Settings Menu' icon
4. Select 'Settings'
5. Select 'Time Zone'.
6. Ensure this is your time zone.
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