You have complete control over which portion of your SOAP note copy's forward when you click [Copy SOAP to New]. 
Utilities->SOAP->Practitioner Questions/Response Setup.
You can pick and choose exactly what information you would like to communicate with your front desk (typically found under your Plan section -> treatment plan, supplements, exercises). Staff have likely "completed" the task on the last visit, yet practitioners clicking [Copy Forward] will send the same task to front desk over and over, this can cause confusion. Tip! Tasks will remain on the patient account until they have been correctly removed by clicking the check mark in the top left of the Patient Task List box.
For more information see our "Copy Forward" video -> You can access the video directly through ChiroSUITE by going to Help -> ChiroSUITE Help Videos -> SOAP -> Copy Forward.
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Article ID: 235, Created: 1/9/2019 at 8:51 AM, Modified: 5/25/2020 at 12:21 PM