Turning Rapid book on means ChiroSUITE will automatically book your default appointment type WITHOUT the 'Add New Appointment' screen popping up, saving precious time. For Chiropractic this is 'Adjustment' in most offices, and for Massage Therapy, it may be '60 Min MT'. In cases where you are not booking the default appointment you would right click on the appointment in your schedule to launch the 'Edit/View Appointment' screen and edit the Appointment Type.
Default appointment types are your most common appointment for a specific practitioner type and should already be set in ChiroSUITE, if not they can be quickly setup. Utilities -> Practitioners ->Setup Wizard -> Billing Setup.
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Article ID: 274, Created: 3/18/2019 at 1:37 PM, Modified: 11/4/2020 at 1:32 PM