Billings that have been overpaid, declined or partially paid that were not dealt with in the 3rd Party Receive Payments screen will end up in the 3rd Party Reconciliation Wizard. They will still be displayed in the patient's '3rd Party A/R:' as shown below. The reconciliation wizard MUST always maintain a zero balance, otherwise you're leaving revenue in a state of flux.
Note: Overpaid items, can ONLY be dealt with in the reconciliation wizard.
Before proceeding, you need to know what you want to do with the billing(s). For example, if you are billing it back to a 3rd party payor, make sure the patient has that payor set up and it is active or if you are writing it off, make sure you have received authorization from the business owner.
Click on the following link that applies to your billing:
Email or Call toll free at 855.509.1111
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