This article is for when a patient has a 3rd party credit and it has been confirmed they will deduct the credit off of the next payment. This means on a previous visit the 3rd party over paid (the paid amount was higher than the submitted amount in ChiroSUITE). Some examples are:
- Wrong visit submitted online/manually (i.e. initial visit vs regular visit)
- The payor pays a percentage of the visit, but the wrong amount was entered so the percentage calculated is wrong
- Submitted the wrong patient online to what was billed out in ChiroSUITE (i.e. husband not wife)
- 3rd party payor just paid more than the invoice submitted
Has the 3rd party over payment reversal step been completed and sent through the 3rd party billing wizard, so the status is 'Sent (waiting to receive)? If so, the patient should have a NEGATIVE billing in their 3rd party A/R, which is indicated by numbers in brackets or in their statement of accounts (SOA) > Third Party (Owing) tab, a NEGATIVE value in the submitted column and 'Sent' status.
Exactly like receiving a 3rd party payment, you would select the billings to make up the cheque or direct deposit. The only difference is you would select all your positive billings AND select your negative billing (credit) to match the payment. Example: Payment is $515. All the billings that were paid equal $520, so once you select the -$5, your total will match the payment (520-5=$515).
Billing > 3rd Party Receive Payments
1. Select Yes (or double click) beside the 3rd party payor to create the payment for.
2. [Next]
3. Fill in all fields starting from 'Date:'
4. Click [Next]
5. Select all the billing items that were paid on this payment, but not the credit so the total amount is BEFORE the credit is selected, which will not match the cheque or direct deposit.
6. Select the credit to be applied off this payment, now the total should match the cheque or direct deposit. NOTE: As long as the correct billings and credit is selected, it does not matter in what order it is selected. This example is separating the selection to better explain how to match the billings with the payment.
7. Click [Finish]
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