Patient 3rd Party Payor Setup
1. Click the green '+Payr'. The 'Select Payor Type to Add' screen will appear.
2. Select Payor Type.
3. Click [Next].
1. Enter all pertinent details. Fields highlighted in orange MUST be filled in. Tip! "Display As" is seen in the bottom left of the Patient Action Panel in ChiroSUITE, make this a clear visual for billing (see screenshot below).
2. Select 'Prac Type', 'Per Visit Limit' & 'Bill Difference to Patient' option.
3. Enter 'Payor Limit' & 'Rollover date' (if you know it). Tip! Putting in rollover date ensures the patient/s insurance renews on the date they have full coverage again.
4. Click [Save].
For more information see our "3rd Party" webinars-> You can access the videos directly through ChiroSUITE by going to Help -> ChiroSUITE Help Videos -> Training/Webinars.
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Article ID: 74, Created: 12/4/2009 at 1:49 PM, Modified: 7/27/2020 at 1:16 PM