*These are recommendations and, with that said, it is suggested that you check with your computer technician to make sure there is no interference with anything they already have in place. Although we recommend an approximate time to complete each step, if you are doing them all at least once a month you are much better off than not doing them at all. At the end of this article are some common issues we get support calls on and the steps you should take to help resolve your issues!
If you are like our office you leave your computers on 24 x 7. If that is the case with you then once a week, shutdown your computer, count to 30 and turn it back on.
Network Hardware Reboot
(recommendation: monthly | approx time to complete: 15 mins)
Whenever you have problems with your internet, the first thing the internet technical support people will tell you is to reboot your modem!
1. Fully EXIT ALL programs then turn off all your computers
2. turn off your router/switch (the device all your computers plug into to communicate with each other)
3. turn off your cable/dsl modem (the device that plugs into your cable or telephone line and provides your link to the internet)
4. wait a couple of minutes
5. turn on your cable/dsl modem and wait until everything lights up (usually 1-2 minutes)
6. turn on your router/switch - wait a couple minutes
7. turn on your computers AND log into ChiroSUITE on the MAIN computer first, ensure that opens fine then can be opened on all other computers.
Check Disk
(recommendation: weekly | approx time to complete: 5 mins)
Detailed article also available with screen shots. Search 'Check Disk - weekly task and recovery'.
*If you experience any program crashes, unexpected shutdowns or power loss DO NOT try to open or use any applications on your PC before performing a check disk and restart on the computer as you can corrupt files or the App it's self.*
IMPORTANT * Multi-computer offices -> If this is you main computer the restart will affect ALL computers on the network if ChiroSUITE is open on secondary machines. You can create issues on all machines so ChiroSUITE must be fully exited everywhere do to a main computer restart in a multi computer office.
1. Open My Computer (Computer, PC, or This PC depending on the version of windows you have),
2. Right-click on the local disk (usually C: drive)
3. Go to 'Properties' -> select 'Tools'
4. Click [Check Now]
5. **For windows 8 & 10 you can scan right away. NO MATTER WHAT THE MESSAGE SAYS SCAN AND RESTART !
6. Close the open windows and RESTART your computer from the Start button in the bottom left of your screen
**( if this is NOT your main hard drive and is not in use, the Check Disk will occur immediately, we recommend not using the computer while this process is running )
ChiroSUITE Update
(recommendation: monthly | approx time to complete: 15 mins)
If you have crashed, it is sometimes necessary or a good idea to rerun the last update again. If you have followed the previous Update directions, you should have a copy of the Update locally on your computer.
Single Computer Users
1. the last update should be located in your c:\cs2003\installs folder, if not then download it again through the http://kb.chirosuite.ca site and save it to this folder (you may need to create the folder first)
2. run the appropriate update - if you have any old versions in this folder, remove them to avoid any issues
3. you will know you have rerun the last update again if you get a list of program updates the first time you go back into ChiroSUITE
Multi-Computer Users
1. the last update should be located in your s:\installs folder, if not then download it again through the http://kb.chirosuite.ca site and save it to this folder (you may need to create the folder first)
2. run the appropriate update on each computer - if you have any old versions in this folder, remove them to avoid any issues
3. you will know you have rerun the last update again if you get a list of program updates the first time you go back into ChiroSUITE
Terminal Server Clinics
1. the last update you ran will have gone into your cs2003\app folder and will still be sitting there
2. log everyone out of their chirosuite – this means completely exiting, not just sitting at the logon screen
3. on the server, you should have an UpdateAll2003.bat file – run that file and it should rerun the last update for every user
4. you will know you have rerun the last update again if you get a list of program updates the first time you go back into ChiroSUITE
*Vista users – the update process is the same but the update files themselves are different, so ensure when you download from the http://kb.chirosuite.ca site, you are getting the Vista specific update.
ChiroSUITE Appointment Archive
(recommendation: weekly | approx time to complete: 5 mins – 5 hours depending on your clinic size and how long it has been since the last time you ran the Appointment Archive)
If you find your schedules are running slower than normal it is probably a good time to perform an Appointment Archive in ChiroSUITE. This process moves the appointments from an “active schedule” table to a “appointment history” table. The move does not affect your ability to look up a patient history, go back to a specific day on a schedule, or anything else. What it does do is minimize the number of records in the “active schedule” which helps speed up the process of navigating schedules.
1. go to the Utilities menu
2. go to Cleanup/Maintenance -> Appt Archive
3. you should NOT be doing any scheduling / billing or anything else in ChiroSUITE while this process is running – if you are in a multi-computer office, this applies to all computers while archiving
4. click the [Archive Appts] button and if you need to interrupt the process, simply click the [Abort] button that becomes enabled after you start the process
For Troubleshooting
Getting “Weird” Errors/Results in ChiroSUITE
1. perform a Check Disk and reboot
2. perform a back up from CS5Back Up or the ChiroSUITEToolbox
3. perform a ChiroSUITE Update or rerun the last update
Cannot Connect from Second/Third computer
1. perform a Network Hardware Reboot - *PRIOR* to shutting off your computers, set them up to perform a Check Disk
Having Trouble Backing Data up to the ChiroSUITE Server
1. perform a Network Hardware Reboot - *PRIOR* to shutting off your computers, set them up to perform a Check Disk
ChiroSUITE is Running Slow
1. we mean slower than usual (we have resolved many speed issues in Version 5)
2. perform a Network Hardware Reboot, setup your computer to Check Disk before shutting them off
3. perform a back up from the CS5Back Up or the ChiroSUITE Toolbox
4. perform a ChiroSUITE Update or rerun the last update
5. perform a ChiroSUITE Appointment Archive (this may automatically run with your backups
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