ChiroSUITE has the ability to create labels for charts, files, mail outs & x-rays.
Patients -> Patient Labels
1. Select Patient.
2. Select Label Type.
3. Select Practitioner (if applicable).
4. Select Label Date & Number (if applicable).
5. Select type of Label, Avery or Dymo.
5a. Avery: Select Label Size & which label number to start on.
5b. Dymo: Select Printer & Label.
6. View Sample Label.
7. [Preview] or [Print] Label.
8. [Add/Edit Labels] to edit what appears on a current label or create a new one. *See second screen*

Patients -> Patient Labels> Add/Edit Labels
1. Select label to edit from "Quick Search".
2. [Create New Label].
3. Name the label if new.
4. Select "Field Codes" to create label, click [Add Field Code at Cursor] to move code.
5. Label Setup box creates your label, preview example in bottom box.
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