This article will walk you through the process of how to assign uploaded documents to be reviewed by a practitioner. To learn how to scan/upload documents into ChiroSUITE click here: Part 1: Scanning/Uploading Documents
When uploading a scanned document to ChiroSUITE, you have the ability to assign the document to be reviewed by a practitioner.
1. Click in "Add Review Details", record notes if applicable.
2. Select Practitioner.
3. Double click on Practitioner. Tip! There must be a * in front of the practitioner name for the document to be assigned correctly.
4. [Save & Delete Original] or [Save].
Documents to be reviewed will appear the next time the Practitioner logs in. To access the document, double click on Document Review in the white action box or go to Practitioners -> Document Review.
1. Select the document to be reviewed from the list.
2. Add notes if applicable.
3. [Assign for Further Review] by another practitioner or [Save].
If assigning to another Practitioner;
1. Add notes if applicable.
2. Double click on practitioner. Tip! There must be a * in front off the practitioner name.
3. [Save].
For more information see our Document Review video -> You can access the video directly through ChiroSUITE by going to Help -> ChiroSUITE Help Videos -> SOAP -> Scanning & Document Review.
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