ChiroSUITE has many fillable forms available to you, from MVA AB's to Imaging Requisition forms, they must be uploaded to SpecDocs to be accessed. To learn how to upload SpecDocs click here: SpecDocs (Specific Documents)
Click the green + under the SpecDocs tab.
Locate the csv5data folder, for most offices this will be found in the S: Drive. Select the FormFillablePDF's folder & click [Open].
BEWARE! Do not touch any other folders in this drive.
Select the form you wish to upload, click [Select File(s)].
Select the File Type and toggle Fillable PDF to YES. Click [Save]. Tip! To add a new file type click the green +.
1. Search the patient.
2. Go to SpecDocs tab.
3. Locate form and double click to launch.
4. Select File Type. Tip! To add a new file type click the green +.
5. Either [Create PDF & Save to Patient Tracker] or [Create PDF (do not save)].
Click into fields to complete form, save PDF.
Note: You also have the ability to create your own fillable forms, you can locate our codes for fillable form fields in the folder noted above (csv5data folder, for most offices this will be found is the S: Drive). The PDF you require is 'ChiroSUITEv5-FormFillableFields.pdf'.
Email or Call toll free at 855.509.1111
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