Reports -> Appointment Reports:
- Appointment History - For ALL patients who have been in recently. Used to reach out to active patients who have visited your office over the past 1, 2, or 3 years, for marketing, newsletters, & holiday greetings.
- Lapsed Visit History - For patients who have not been in for a period of time. Used to recall patients who have fallen out of care.
- Patient Recare List (by Clinic) - For patients whose last visit is in a certain date range. Used to recall patients who have fallen out of care, typically date ranges for 3, 6, 9 etc months are used.
- New Patient Visit List (completed appts only) - For NEW patients to your office use . Used when exporting to a marketing program like MailChimp. Tip! For this report to work New Patient Appointments need to be flagged as "New" in Appointment Types/Billing Setup. To learn how to flag appointments as "New" click here: Adding New Billing Items, Adding New Appointments & Linking to Billing. It's also important to track when you do this export to ensure you're not importing duplicate patients. The first time doing this type of export to catch ALL patients in the office, use report 1.
Reports -> Sales Reports:
- Sales by Item - For patients who purchased a particular product (like orthotics). Used to market to patients who have purchased a specific product/service in the past.
After you have decided on the report you need.
1. Select Report.
2. Select Criteria.
3. [Preview] Report.
4. [Create Mailing List].
Click [Create List for Email] or [Create List for Postal].
Click [ML].
1. Click [Remove Inactive/Deceased/Opted out Patients from All] this ensures patients are removed from existing lists.
2. If necessary [Delete] or [Add/Edit] list.
3. See section below screenshot.
3a. [Send Emails *recommended* (personalized)].
1. Type in Subject line or choose template email from drop down.
2. Add code to personalize the email.
3. Enter body of email.
4. Choose time delay between emails, we recommend 5 seconds.
5. HIGHLY recommended sending a test email to yourself first! Spell check! Send emails.
Note: Depending on the size of the email list the mail out could tie up your computer for quite some time. We recommend generating the list at a time the computer is not needed or a secondary machine not in use, the email could take several hours.
3b. [Send Emails (as bulk BCC send)].
1. Ensure ONLY the clinic emails appears in the "To" everyone else should fall under "BCC".
2. Type in Subject and body of Message.
3. Attach documents if desired.
4. [Spell Check].
5. [Send Email].
Note: Depending on the size of the email list the mail out could tie up your computer for quite some time. We recommend generating the list at a time the computer is not needed or a secondary machine not in use, the email could take several hours.
3c. [Export Email Addresses].
1. File type from ChiroSUITE is now Tab Delimited (more common then excel). Toggle Headings/Include DOB to yes if necessary.
2. Enter file name & the folder you wish to save the exported list to.
3. Click [Export] or [Export & Launch].
3d. [Copy Email Addresses to Clipboard (to use in your own email program].
1. Select the Total Email Address number to be included in each clip.
2. [Click Here to Copy to Your Clipboard then go to your Email Program and Ctrl +V to Paste in the BCC Field].
For more information see our "Mailing Lists" video-> You can access the videos directly through ChiroSUITE by going to Help -> ChiroSUITE Help Videos -> Mailing Lists.