Appointments -> Waiting List OR Shift + F7
Click on the Waitlist Icon on the Menu Bar.
Click [Add Patn].
Enter Patient, Prac Type, Practitioner (if applicable), Appointment Type, and Date Range. Select the patient's Availability.
Click [Save].
When cancelling appointment/s you will get a pop up noting there is someone on the wait list who would like this appointment time. 
If you do not have the time to address the wait list patient and "book this patient now?" as seen above, you can go back to the cancelled appointment on the schedule at a more convenient time and right click "Waiting List this Slot" to take you to the wait list and filter to this time ONLY.
If desired you have the ability to text or email the patient directly from this screen to let them know an appointment has become available. You can also book directly from this screen by double clicking in the time slot you wish and clicking [Book Time].
Tip! It is a good idea to have the selection in the End of Day process to "Clear Expired Waiting list patients". To learn how to setup EOD click here: Start/End of Day Setup (SOD/EOD).
Email or Call toll free at 855.509.1111
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Article ID: 331, Created: 5/7/2019 at 10:53 AM, Modified: 11/4/2020 at 2:56 PM