For accurate checkouts it is important to keep price levels up to date. ChiroSUITE does not automatically adjust price levels by birth date as not all price levels are dependent on age.
Adjust Price Level by Age: This is necessary if using price levels such as adult, child, senior, etc. Tip! Do this several times a year to ensure patients are on the correct price level.
Utilities -> Items -> Price Levels
1. Click [Adjust Price Levels by Age] to launch "Move Patients by Age" screen.
2. Choose your Age Range. Tip! In screenshot example we are searching all Seniors who are not on the Senior Price Level.
3. Click [View Patients in Selected Price Level] to see list before moving to another price level.
4. Select the price level you want to move patients from/to.
5. Click [Move patients between from/to]. Tip! Criteria shown on this key will depend on YOUR selections.
Move Patients From One Price Level To Another: If your office discontinues a price level you can move the entire grouping at once.
Utilities -> Items -> Price Levels
1. Click [Move Patients from One Price Level to Another] to launch "Move Patients by Price Level" screen.
2. Select the price level you want to move from/to.
3. Click [Move patients from price level to]. Tip! Criteria shown on this key will depend on YOUR selections.
Tip! If inactivating a price level you must FIRST move patients who are on it to another, once you have done this you can toggle "Active" to "No'.
Tip! To create a new price level click in the "new record" box at the bottom of the "Price Level Type Setup" screen.
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