Updated February 10, 2020
Patient File Backups?
There are 2 kinds of backups with ChiroSUITE. The most obvious is the data backup - this is all the information you enter or see in ChiroSUITE - names, appts, billings, etc. Then the slightly more confusing backup is the patient file backups - this is all the information that we store outside of the data file - so patient pictures, documents you scan & put on file, spec docs, images you markup in the SOAP Notes, and generally anything you are adding into ChiroSUITE!
What to Backup
Your shared ChiroSUITE folder (typically the S: drive) should contain most of the folders shown (it may vary slightly depending on what integrations you are using). You'll want to backup all the folders in here EXCEPT the Data folder, please exclude that folder as it is protected by security & will always have files locked & inaccesible. The App, Backups & Installs folders are also VERY optional as everything in those folders has already been backed up somewhere or can be easily downloaded from our
https://kb.chirosuite.ca site.
You can back these folders up nightly (recommended), throughout the day, or in real time if desired! If you are making use of our patient file backups software then you'll want to co-ordinate times with support to ensure we are not tripping over each other when backing up!
Email Help@chirosuite.ca or Call toll free at 855.509.1111
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