This article will walk you through the layout of the OB Reconciliation Wizard Screen. Then we will describe the process of why online booking appointments end up in the OB Reconciliation Wizard and walk you through what needs to be done with each of them.
Utilities -> OB(Online Booking) -> OB Reconciliation Wizard
1. Action Panel on Main Screen will display any online bookings that need to be reconciled. Click
to retrieve online booked appointments. 2. Appointments to reconcile will be listed here with the appointment date and time, the reason for the scheduling issue/conflict and the status of the appointment.
3. The appointment details for the selected appointment in the list, will be displayed here on the right hand side of the screen.
4. The active buttons reflect the actions that can be taken for each selected appointment in the list.
5. If a selected appointment needs to be rebooked, the details for the appointment will be listed here including the status, the appointment details and the practitioner. If a new appointment is booked, the new appointment details will be added.
6. Double click on a new time or select time and click [Choose Selected Time]
7. Click [Rebook] to re-schedule the new selected appointment time.
There are 5 main reasons why an online booking will need to be reconciled before it can be booked:
1. New Patient OR existing patient where first name, last name, phone or email (any one of these) does not match current information in the ChiroSUITE system.
2. Last Appointment Date is outside of specified warning
3. Patient is currently Inactive
4. Comment entered
5. No times available for the requested date/time
1. New Patient/Criteria does not match
If a patient does not exist in the system or is not recognized (i.e. The first name is spelled differently than what is in the system), a 'New Patient and/or unable to match against patients in system' issue will need to be reconciled in the OB Rec Wizard. 

2. Last Appointment Date is outside of specified warning
OB Clinic Setup allows you to create a warning when your patient's last appointment date is outside of a specified time period. For example, your clinic may require a longer appointment time for those patients who haven't been in for a visit in over 6 months.
This can be set up in Utilities -> OB (Online Booking) -> OB Clinic Setup -> Pracs. Make sure to set the 'Warn on LastD' to 'Yes' and then select the appropriate amount of lapsed time (in months) you would like to set the warning for.
When this criteria is met for an online booking, the appointment will need to be reconciled in the OB Reconciliation Wizard.
3. Patient is currently Inactive
If a patient's status is currently 'Inactive', their online booking will need to be reconciled before it can be booked.
4. Comment entered
Anytime a comment is entered on an online booking in the 'Special Instructions' field, the appointment will need to be reconciled. If you do not want your patients to have the option of entering a comment, make sure to set the 'Show Special Instructions' field to 'No' in Utilities -> OB (Online Booking) -> OB Clinic Setup -> Pracs 
5. No times available for the requested date/time
If for some reason an appointment slot has become unavailable since the online booking was made (for example, the same time slot was booked in the clinic prior to the online sync or a change was made to the practitioner schedule), the appointment will need to be 'rebooked'. The option to rebook a new date/time is offered in the OB Reconcilation Wizard. Simply highlight the appointment to be rebooked, select a new time and/or date and click [Rebook]. You are also able to Email the patient with the new information. Click [Email] and send. 
Email or Call toll free at 855.509.1111
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