Once the setup for online booking is completed in ChiroSUITE, your patients can book appointments online. When the patient books an appointment online, how the web page appears and how they search for an appointment, is different on a computer vs a cell phone. This article will use the cell phone format and walk through online booking from the patient's perspective. Each section will also reference which area in the online booking setup that determines what you are seeing and possible options when applicable. This will help with connecting the setup to how it will look online. For information on online booking setup, click here Online Booking Step 2
When the patient clicks on a link from your social media page, it would direct them to our online booking web page. In the setup, you can decide if it directs to a specific practitioner, practitioner type or to all practitioners. The below example is for all practitioners.
Setup information in ChiroSUITE > Utilities > OB (Online Booking) > OB Clinic Setup > Links for Web Dev tab.
Screen 1
Displays the
Clinic Information and the
Schedule Instructions. Setup is under Terms -> Terms Required -> Terms Date/Time.

Screen 2
Terms and Conditions can be set up to pop up before the patient can access the booking screen. You have the ability for them to be required to be accepted every time the patient books or just the first time they book. Setup is under Terms -> Terms Required -> Terms Date/Time.
Screen 3
In the setup, you can decide to display bookings options for a 'Specific Practitioner', a 'Practitioner Type' OR to 'All Practitioners'. Our example displays the setup for 'All Practitioners' using the 'Clinic Wide Links'. Setup is under Links for Web Dev tab. Screen 3 displays the Practitioner Types available and the Specific Practitioner names under each Type.
Screen 4
Patient Information
Screen 5
Booking the Appointment
The patient has already selected the Practitioner Type and Specific Practitioner in Screen 3, now they will select their Appointment Type and Date/Time Options.
Screen 6
Select and Book
A list of available appointments will be displayed. The patient can select one or more appointments and click [Book Appts].
Screen 7
Once the appointment is submitted, the patient will receive a 'Pending Appointment' email, which acknowledges that their request has been received, but their appointment will NOT be confirmed or booked in ChiroSUITE until the OB Sync has been performed. The OB Sync sends updated information from online to ChiroSUITE and vice versa as well as triggering the 'Appointment Confirmation' emails. All new online appointments will automatically book into ChiroSUITE IF the patient already exists in the system AND the name, phone number and email address match exactly. No further action is required for these bookings.
After the OB Sync,
SOME appointments may end up needing to be reconciled in the
OB Reconciliation Wizard before the appointment can be booked. Reasons why they would appear in the reconciliation wizard are:
1. New Patient OR existing patient where first name, last name, phone or email (any one of these) does not match current information in the ChiroSUITE system.
2. Last Appointment Date is outside of specified warning
3. Patient is currently Inactive
4. Comment entered
5. No times available for the requested date/time