In order to receive a 3rd party payment, the billing must have been processed through the 3rd party billing wizard. This will change the status from 'Waiting to send' TO 'Sent (waiting to receive)'. If this has not been done yet, or to learn more about how to process a billing through the 3rd Party Billing Wizard click here: Creating a 3rd Party Invoice/Online Billing
Billing -> 3rd Party Receive Payments
1. If the payment is only for one patient, click the heart for the active patient or use the magnifying glass to search up the patient.
2. If the payment is for one OR more 3rd party payors, select 'Yes' or double click in that field. Tip!: Yes, you can select more than one 3rd party payor.
3. Click [Next].
4. Input payment details:
- Date: We always recommend leaving dates and NOT back dating. If you are changing the date, make sure you are aware of how this affects your data for reporting, which will affect paying practitioners and balancing.
- Notes: Not required, so leaving it blank is sufficient.
- Pay Type: Select the drop down arrow to see all options.
- Cheque From: If only one 3rd party payor is selected, this will auto populate with that payor. If more than one payor is selected, then the field must be filled in.
- Cheq # A reference number for the payment but N/A is acceptable if nothing is inputted.
- Cheq Amt: Generally this is the amount of the payment, but will change to what is processed. Example: If you enter in $100 but only process the payment for $80, this amount will change to $80.
NOTE: Pay Type, Cheq From and Cheq # fields can be changed AFTER a payment has been processed without deleting the payment and starting again. The Date & Cheq Amt CANNOT be changed.
5. [Next]
All billing items with 'Sent (waiting to receive)' are listed by patient or payor (depending on your selection). Input the amount received for each item related to this payment. All items with an amount in the 'Amt Rcvd' column will be applied to this payment, click [Finish] to process the payment.
- The Status column has 5 options, which auto populate based on amounts recorded in the Amt Exp and Amt Rcvd fields. For example, If you are receiving the full amount, Status = Paid, if you are receiving more money, Status = Overpaid, etc...
NOTE: If you have selected a billing item in error, change it back to Not Received, do NOT put Declined.
IF ANY of the ITEMS are NOT FULLY PAID. For example, they are either Declined, Partially Paid or Overpaid , click here for more info:
Examples of how to use the different selection options:
- If your 'Cheq Amt' previously entered, matches exactly to what is in the 'Amt Exp Total' column, then the 'Amt Rcvd' column will auto populate with the full amount. Verify the billing items are correct and select [Finish].
- There are various filters at the top of the screen to help sort your billing items. This is very useful for bigger payments. Use the button [Remove Filters Show All] to revert back to the original view.
- To pay or decline all items, use the buttons at the bottom. Use the button [Clear All (NOT just what is shown)] to clear everything and start again.
DO It Later
- If you are missing a billing and need to investigate or cannot finish off the payment, click [DoIt Later] to save all items selected for payment.
- To continue later, launch it from the DoIt task, do NOT start a new '3rd Party Receive Payments' again. You may see new billings added AFTER the DoIt task was created. If this is the case, when you launch it again, a pop up message will appear with the number of records added. Note: Any filters used when you created the billing will need to be reapplied, as they do not appear when you launch the DoIt again.
DoIt Task:
Email or Call toll free at 855.509.1111
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