If ChiroSUITE is closed down incorrectly or your computer freezes/crashes while you are using ChiroSUITE, the current user will still be logged in and will be unable to log in again. In order to make sure that users get logged out, ChiroSUITE must be shut down by going to File -> Exit ChiroSUITE. Using the “x” in the top right hand corner is NOT the correct way to close down ChiroSUITE!
If you get a message about someone being logged in when you log in OR when running EOD:
1. Make note of which computer it is telling you the user is still logged into.
2. Go to that machine and try having the user(s) sign back on. If that person is not at the office, use your log in account then FULLY Exit ChiroSUITE.
This should clear the machine and the other user.
* IF your computer CRASHED and you do NOT have access to it, please call us for support, we can free up your User and help trouble shoot the down computer if possible.
Email Help@chirosuite.ca or Call toll free at 855.509.1111
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Article ID: 47, Created: 9/28/2009 at 6:15 PM, Modified: 4/15/2021 at 1:00 PM