Adding new appointments and linking to billing is a THREE step process.
Step 1: Create new billing item.
Utilities -> Items -> Item Setup
1. Click [New Rec].
2. Enter "Item Details". Tip! If the item you're adding is a service leave "Cost" at $0, this should only be used when adding inventory items.
3. Click [Save]
4. IF the service/item is a different fee by price level or practitioner click [Add/Edit] to launch the "Patn/Payor Split" screen. Tip! If you're not sure how to setup here look at setup of another item in your office.
Step 2: Add New Appointment
Utilities -> Scheduling -> Appointment Type/Billing Setup
Click [Edit] (see A in above screenshot) to launch "Appointment Types Setup" screen seen below. Fill in appropriate details in EACH column using your [Tab] key to navigate between each. Tip! Once all columns are completed click the red X to close out of the screen.
Step 3: Link Appointment to Billing (see B and C in screenshot above)
1. Click [Add] enter start date for the appointment to be linked to billing.
2. Click [Edit] to launch "Appt Item Setup" screen.
3. Use the drop down menu to find the billing item you wish to link to the appointment.
4. Click [Save].
5. Once completed there will be a * next to the appointment to indicate setup is complete.
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