You can find chirosuite Update Instructions here and although we encourage you to walk through the process at your convenience, we are certainly available to help if you need it - please call to SCHEDULE a time to do the update together, we are not available to help with the update at the moment you call in!
Have a great day!
chirosuite Support Staff
- added "Upgrade to v5" menu item with various featues to try to make the transition easier :)
- added ability to sort Third Party Receive Payments by date or patient
- added Busn - Prac Listing report to Practitioner Reports
- updated Income Statement's totals quadrant (bottom of report) for easier reading
- resolved issue with "(Paid) Sales by Item" and "(Paid) Sales by Item Detailed" reports (Reports -> Sales Reports)
- resolved issue on Third Party Receive Payments screen with date filtering
- resolved issue on Third Party billing where multiples for DND, DVA, RCMP all failed to show the unit price on the billing report