v5.16.0825 is a minor release enhancing online booking capabilities, adding enhanced ReviewWave.com integration & AppointmentReminders.com integration, enhancements, bug fixes and much more! Here are the details...
Integrations / Modules
__ Added ColorBar® Print to Integrations/Modules. If you are using v8.2 or greater, we can provide integration with the Patient Tracker that allows you to print labels without exporting/importing information.
__ Added ability to support ReviewWave Reminders as well as Reviews.
__ Added Utilties -> Clinic -> FindAChiro Listing to allow you to setup/edit your FindAChiro.ca listing :)
__ Added AppointmentReminders.com Integration in BETA.
__ Modified ZingIt scripts to allow use of their Pro service.
Appointments/Schedules/Care Plans
__ Added "Waiting List this Slot…" option to the schedule popup menu to allow you to quickly filter down the Waiting List. ONLY works on an empty, cancelled, or deleted appt slot.
__ Added ability to Text or Email a patient right from the Waiting List screen to help contacting the patient. Any email/text sent logs in the waiting list comments so you know who you've contacted and when.
__ Added 4 new Email Templates to accommodate text/email from the Waiting List screen.
__ Added Clinic Phone Num to the Appointment List report to make it easier for clinics to call in if need be.
__ Added a validation process to the data connect process to ensure there are no duplicate prac schds.
__ Modified Waiting List screen to provide better filtering options.
__ Modified summary schd view (used in Cancel & Rebook, Waiting List) to show B for breaks instead of the same X used to signify appts.
__ Modified Care Plan stats update for more consistency from billing adjustments, cancellations, deletes, etc.
__ Modified New Patient & Quick Add screens to properly use the reminder defaults set in System Setup.
__ Modified Discontinue Care Plan process to default to NOT cancel appts when discontinuing care plan.
__ Resolved dreaded SchdLoad error - caused by loading schds where a patient was using CalAttachments, but no longer is or has changed them.
__ Resolved a reminder issue that would sometimes re-update removed reminders when a new appt was added.
__ Resolved rare issue in Schedule Layout change screen that affected some changes.
__ Resolved rare issue in Quick Add Day that would sometimes create an additional open time period.
__ Resolved ICD10 Code load issue that several clinics were having.
__ Resolved issue running Daily Schedule report without specifying a prac.
__ Resolved issue in the cancellation process that does not log information correctly for the User Stats (Call List Stat). This fix cannot resolve historical data, but after being updated the stat will work properly.
__ Resolved various issues in the User Stats report where items were being counted multiple times or not at all. This will resolve the report moving forward but unfortunately not going back.
__ Resolved a reminder issue where sometimes a phone change would not carry forward to an existing reminder.
Billing/Payments/Items/Third Party
__ Added "When billing by prac pref, show appt prac?" to the System Settings so that clinics billing by prac pref can include who performed the service on the receipts along with the billing prac.
__ Added "When billing by prac pref, show appt prac?" option to the System Settings screen to allow you to control whether receipts included service provided by information (Utilities -> System -> System Settings) - defaulted to Yes in the update.
__ Added signatures to receipts - set this in the User Setup screen, Add to receipts?
__ Added ability to alter 3rd party details (pay type, from, cheque#) on the Billing Adjustment -> 3rd Party Transactions tab for correcting mistakes without having to remove & re-enter the payment.
__ Added ability to adjust receipt actions (email, print, none) for entire patient base in the Utilities -> Clinic -> Receipt Defaults screen.
__ Added Total column to Normal w/3rd Party Receipt.
__ Added Normal w/3rd Party & Schd Receipt (permissions automatically given to users with permissions on Normal w/3rd Party receipts).
__ Modified Receipts to provide "service provided by" description when billing by prac preference.
__ Modified "Statement (for zero pmts)" to include private patient as well.
__ Modified MB Health reports.
__ Modified Item Receive screen to exclude expired suppliers.
__ Modified Billing Adjustment screen to properly refresh schedules for deleted billings regardless of whether the billing was by prac preference or by appt.
__ Resolved issue in 3rd party receive screen in specific instances where your notes exceeded 30 chars.
__ Resolved a rare issue with MB Health records when copying or deleting.
__ Resolved a rare issue where first/last appt info doesn't update on checkout.
__ Resolved a rare issue that would sometimes flag unreconciled items to paid. Any of these previously done will be reset back to reconcile after this update.
__ Resolved an issue with MHSAL billing when an apostrophe exists in the address.
__ Resolved an issue with MHSAL billing when a payr record has been expired before direct billing.
__ Resolved an issue with 3rd Party DoIt Later tasks when added by one user but continued with a different user. This will now retrieve & update appropriately.
__ Resolved an issue on the Tax Amount Setup screen that prevented taxes with multiple items.
__ Added module validation at logon to help ensure each machine is connected to the data properly after a module is added.
__ Added [kb] icon in top right corner of many forms for a direct link to the kb site article. There are now 66 screens with these direct links to help clinics :)
__ Modified data backup size to 20mb files to help with speed.
__ Modified the Utilities -> Cleanup/Maintenance -> Cleanup Miscellaneous process to include a few additional cleanups.
__ Modified support email to help@chirosuite.ca as part of a transition out of the spam nightmare we currently have going on :)
__ Modified logoff procedure to strip all users logged onto that machine regardless of whether you logon or not. This is helpful for stripping out a user that is stuck on that machine without having to actually logon (which is sometimes a pain because you need to exit the machine you are on first).
__ Minor navigation changes & fixes.
__ Resolved an issue emailing reminders to patients with apostrophes in their email address.
Online Booking
__ Added ability to alter the schedule just for online booking in the Prac Setup -> Work Schedule screens.
__ Added Post-Booking Landing Page to Prac setup so that you can control what happens after a patient books online. This is useful for counting stats, sending patients to a forms download page or other information page on your website. Do include a quick link back to book another appt from where ever they land & if we had previously hardcoded this for you, please review all your prac's setup to reset!
__ Added Last ApptD Warn (months) option to OB Pracs Setup - this allows you to flag patients who are booking an appt x many months since their last appt - this will allow you to make sure patients who haven't been in for 12 months (for example) can't sneak in a regular adjustment, when they should be booking a new patient exam!
__ Added LastApptD info to reconciliation screen.
__ Added speed improvements to optimize sync :)
__ Added Phone Type Code to online booking & sync process.
__ Added check for inactive patient records.
__ Added ability to setup whether booking for a Prac online will send the patient a confirmation email before the appt is booked in ChiroSUITE. In the case where you choose to NOT send a confirmation email to a patient, an email will still send to the BCC field when setup.
__ Modified available Skin Type list - removed Simple, Sitefinity, and Sunset. If you were using one of those types, it has been reset to Default.
__ Modified default timer from 5 secs to 2 secs.
__ Modified booking process to remove patients from rebook & no show call lists when booking online.
__ Modified the sync process to go through the list of practitioners to sync alphabetically :)
__ Resolved issue with toolbar icon launching your online booking site.
__ Resolved issue with ONLY adding a new patient, not booking the appt.
__ Resolved issue where a removed appt (due to an error) does not return the time slot to the website to use.
__ Added [Combine Lists] feature to Mailing Lists to give you the ability to create better lists.
__ Modified validation on Patient Quick Add to make sure SMS Provider is entered when adding SMS reminders.
__ Added group/report totals to Custom Transactions by Price Level report.
__ Added PayType Breakdown totals option to Sales Reports (Paid Only).
__ Resolved an issue with the Prac Preference Breakdown report not displaying negative values appropriately (although the totals calculated correctly).
__ Resolved issue on sending personalized emails from the patient mailing list where you received a warning about your template being incomplete whether it was or not :)
__ Resolved issue with custom reports where to date was often not inclusive.
__ Resolved a rare issue with Daily Appointment vs Billing Summary report when multiple payments of the same type, on the same day, for the same transaction were made.
SOAP Notes & Paperless Office
__ Added SOAP Summary report to SOAP Recap screen so you can quickly see all previous appt details.
__ Added [Dump ALL Documents] ability to Patient Tracker -> Documents/Files.
__ Added "Enable SOAP Comments Trash Can?" option to the User Setup -> SOAP Options tab to allow you to control whether you can easily clear SOAP Comments or not (this is to help you avoid accidentally hitting it & losing your information).
__ Added ChartNum to fillable form fields.
__ Added Google Form integration, allowing you to create your own question capture & then easily copy & paste the results into your SOAP Notes free form field.
__ Added Undo Confirmation options for SOAP & SpeedKey screens to try to prevent loss of data for practitioners. You can set these options under Users -> User Setup -> SOAP Options tab.
__ Added Status to list of SOAP Notes taken on the Patient Tracker to help discover where you have taken notes for NoShow, Cancelled, or even Deleted appts.
__ Modified security on Missing SOAP Records screen to allow any user to access the screen.
__ Modified security on Missing SOAP Records screen to allow you to restrict access to a single practitioner only - this will be set as the default in this version, you'll need to change the setting to allow a user to see other practitioner's lists (User: Allow access to Other Prac's Missing SOAPs).
__ Modified DoIt Later tasks to include a link to the patient so that you can use the [heart] icon in the DoIt list to quickly make that patient the active patient.
__ Modified launching DoIt Later SOAP Notes to make that patient the active patient.
__ Modified Missing SOAPs screen for speed improvements.
__ Modified SpeedKey screen to move the clear options to the bottom left to avoid accidentally deleting your text :)
__ Modified SpeedKey to open <Frontdesk Template> in cases where a non-practitioner opens the speedkey screen or in cases where the practitioner does not have a speedkey configured.
__ Modified Question setup to allow you to change the description for reports even if the question is in use.
__ Modified appt list in SOAP Recap screen to include any appts <= date, not <= date/time as this was confusing when launching a SOAP in advance and not seeing today in the appt list.
__ Modified Print Sel process for SpecDocs to try to help deal with slow network issues during the process.
__ Modified Image questions to make sure they could not also be a patient question.
__ Modified the format of the DoIt Task description for Care Plans when added through SOAP to help with high volume & multi-disciplinary clinics.
__ Resolved rare issue printing summary report where sometimes spine adjustments do not show.
__ Resolved rare dbl-click issue in speed key when dbl-clicking at the very start of all the text.