This is to inform seasoned and new staff of all the resources available! And to let you know there are real, live, support staff that will return calls and emails promptly. We cannot stress enough that outside of weekend or statutory holiday requests, if 24 hours ever goes by with no reply then there is a problem and we did not receive your information so please contact us again. We really do have fantastic support and turnaround times.
So ....... What resources are available to offices? Where do I grab them from?
Email Support: The orange people icon. When you email support the process takes a screen shot that can help support help you better if it is on the matter at hand.
Check the 'To' email and ensure it is the clinic's or one you check regularly.
*NOTE: Let us know what day/time you need us to contact you otherwise look for a reply email.
If you are not at a computer with ChiroSUITE our email address as of September 2019 is ''.
[KB]: Stands for Knowledge Base. New and improved articles like this one all with screen shots.
Search key words not sentences. Look at the words of what you need and try those.
F: Our FaceBook page where updates are continually posted with tips on using ChiroSUITE. Check it weekly.
Help: Under here find 'ChiroSUITE Help Videos'. These can be launched from the computer you are on OR the link can be emailed.
** We strongly suggest ALL new staff watch the 4 training videos.
Call: 1-855 509-1111. Just pick up the phone when you have time or run into an issue. Say hi or leave a message :)
Email or Call toll free at 855.509.1111
Training video's and webinars can be accessed directly through ChiroSUITE!
Help->ChiroSUITE Help Videos
Check out our Facebook page for AMAZING weekly tips and tricks!