The Visual Arriver will display all upcoming appointments that have not yet arrived. This article will step you through the process of using the Visual Arriver as a tool to view and arrive pending appointments. Note: Visual Arriver works well in conjunction with Visual Roomer. Once an appointment has been arrived through Visual Arriver, it will populate in the Visual Roomer into either the 'default' room or another specified room. For more information on how to use the Visual Roomer, click here: Visual Roomer
Appointments -> Visual Arriver
1. Practitioner: Defaults to <All Pracs>, but can be filtered to view pending appointments for any specific practitioner.
2. Count: This displays the number of pending appointments (i.e. in screenshot below, there are (15) pending appointments)
3. [Refresh List] - Use this to refresh form after any changes have been made.
4. Patient First Name - This displays the first name of the patient for the pending appointment.
5. Appointment Time/Appointment Type/Practitioner
6. Rm: - Use this to select a specific room to arrive the appointment into. Note: If no room is selected, the appointment will be arrived into the default room that has been set in System -> System Settings -> Schedules -> Auto-Arrive appointments into Room
7. Click [Arrived]
Note: Once an appointment has been arrived, and the list has refreshed, the appointment will disappear from the list.
The following screenshot is an example of how Visual Arriver and Visual Roomer will look when used together.
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